Who cares?
Clearly nobody.
I haven’t showered
- I don’t care
What should we do?
Story continues below advertisement
- I don’t care
Here’s a story I like to tell!
- I don’t care!
But what if I care?
I care that I haven’t showered
because it makes me feel unpresentable.
I care what we do
because I like doing things you enjoy.
I’m telling you a story
because I care about it.
Does it matter if I care?
Do my needs and wants and opinions matter?
When will I have the courage
to believe that I matter,
That people will care about
what I have to say?
When will I have the guts
to ask that what I care about be respected,
and that I be cared about?
Does anyone care about me?
About what I care about?
Do I deserve to be cared about?