I know I have a place.
Somewhere in this vast universe we call space I have a place.
But that place in space is not here and now
but here and now is what I got
and I got to deal with that somehow
because I don’t know where my place is.
I don’t know where
or when
or what
or how my place is.
I just know that it is.
And knowing that it is keeps me going
to try to find a piece of it
So I can piece it together and find it somehow.
Somehow I’ll make do with the here and now I got stuck with.
I have to stick to it
no matter how much I want to fall apart.
And some days I will fall apart
and I can’t seem to get back up.
But maybe I don’t have to get up,
I just have to go forward.
I can crawl or roll or drag myself
but somehow I gotta go forward.
I have to keep going even though I don’t know where I’m going,
But I’m going and that’s all that matters.
I am random matter floating about in space
that doesn’t seem to have a place.
But I know my place is somewhere
or somewhen
or somehow.
How I know that?
Don’t ask me.
I don’t know what I’m doing
or where I’m going
or who I am
or who I will be.
But I know where there’s a will there’s a way,
and my will, though it might be weak, won’t fade away.
It’ll push forward.
It won’t falter.
It won’t doubt.
And even when it does doubt, it’ll keep going.
I will keep going.
Because somewhere in space I have a place
And that’s all that matters.